Inclusion in the Mission of Sharing
Sep 06, 2024
NCCL's Week of Prayer for Catechists - Reflection 1
Why do we designate the third Sunday in September (in the U.S.) to highlight and support catechists?
Catechesis is a distinct and special ministry in the Church. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church makes clear, “Catechesis is intimately bound up with the whole of the Church’s life…her inner growth and correspondence with God’s plan depend essentially on catechesis” (no. 7). This ministry of teaching in the name of the Church has a profound dignity. In highlighting this ministry, the Church also invites everyone to reflect on their responsibility to share faith with others.
Who do we celebrate on Catechetical Sunday?
In reality, we are all catechists. All that we do, as a parish, as well as individually, teaches. When we participate in the Sunday liturgy, we “teach” one another of the importance of community worship; that we’re not in this by ourselves. When we reach out to the needy, we “teach” one another that our Baptismal promises call us to be concerned about more than ourselves. At the same time, some people are specifically called to the ministry of catechesis. Probably the largest group of catechists in our country walks the journey of faith with children and youth within our catechetical programs, youth ministry and Catholic schools, but catechists minister to all in the Family of God: children, youth, young adults, adults, families, those in the OCIA process, the married, those who are grieving, the engaged, the eldering, etc.
Sister Janet Schaeffler, OP
Member, NCCL Board of Directors
Learn more about Janet and her publications at