Most Recent Event Recordings:
Empowering Catechetical Leaders
A Global Solidarity Approach to Missionary Discipleship
Original Air Date: November 14, 2024
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Webinar Presenters: Kevin McCarthy Nino & Jackie Hopper
Missionary Educator Promoters
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
This webinar will explore the global dimension of catechesis and deepen our understanding of how to inspire and engage communities in solidarity with those on the peripheries. Through collaborative discussions, participants will be equipped with practical tools to foster vibrant, mission-oriented faith communities rooted in global awareness and a shared sense of discipleship. This session aims to empower catechists to build faith communities that actively respond to the needs of the world with missionary zeal.
Watch the RecordingJourneying into the Eucharistic Heart of God
Joy in Christ Jesus, Hope for the Mission
LISTEN TO THE 4-PART PODCAST - Journey, Eucharist, Joy, & Hope
Facilitator: Tom Quinlan
St. Joseph's Evangelization Center, Des Moines, IA
The road for us as disciple-ministers is filled with many challenges. But also much grace. Let us gather to explore the movement of God in our lives. We will consider how Jesus invites you to deeper intimacy. With the help of story and theological reflection, quiet time and sharing, we’ll call upon the Holy Spirit to renew our hearts for what lies ahead on this great and mysterious journey of ours. Receive this brief retreat as a gift of time to be nourished…for yourself and also for your ministry.
Listen to the Recordings
NCCL Insights on
Models of Family Catechesis
Presented by:
The NCCL Family Research Team
Paulette Chapman, Joan Weber, and John Roberto
Session 1: Practices and Models of Family Catechesis
Reporting on the research NCCL is conducting on effective models of family catechesis.
Session 2: Implementing Family Catechesis in Parishes
Strategies for implementing family catechesis in your parish.

Emerging Trends in Ministry
with Youth and Young Adults
Presented by:
Paul Jarzembowski
Associate Director for the Laity, USCCB
Emerging Approaches to Youth
The first presentation and discussion will explore the Who (young people today), the What (a new framework for ministry with youth), and the How (practical ideas) of ministry with youth today.
Emerging Approaches to Young Adults
The second presentation and discussion will explore the Who (young adults today), the What (a new framework for ministry with youn adults), and the How (practical ideas) of ministry with young adults today.
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