
Joy in Christ Jesus, Hope for the Mission
The road for us as disciple-ministers is filled with many challenges. But also much grace. Let us gather to explore the movement of God in our lives. We will consider how Jesus invites you to deeper intimacy. With the help of story and theological reflection, quiet time and sharing, we’ll call upon the Holy Spirit to renew our hearts for what lies ahead on this great and mysterious journey of ours. Receive this brief retreat as a gift of time to be nourished…for yourself and also for your ministry.
About Our Leader
Tom Quinlan is the director of the St. Joseph Evangelization Center in West Des Moines, Iowa. For over 30 years Tom has served in parish, regional and diocesan roles, as well as on multiple boards (currently Divine Renovation USA and Alpha in a Catholic Context). He enjoys presenting at diocesan conferences (throughout the US, as well as in Canada and the UK) and at national ministry events (such as LA Congress and the St. John Bosco Conference).
Tom is a loving husband and father, and his most recent book, At Home in the Heart of God: Family, Jesus and the Eucharist (2023), attempts to inspire and gently evangelize parents.
If Tom can support you and your parish/diocese ministry, please feel free to contact him at: [email protected]
PART 1: JOURNEY - The journey of each and every life is filled with the stuff of Paschal Mystery. Let's reflect on our own unique path, seen in the context of God's saving power.
PART 2: EUCHARIST - Together, let's explore how Eucharist is the great manifestation of God's love for us today, as well as fuel to sustain us as disciples-on-mission.
PART 3: JOY - God wants us to be joyful and not merely happy. Let's consider what it means to radically surrender our lives to Christ Jesus and experience the fullness of joy.
PART 4: HOPE - Trying to minister without hope is like driving on flat tires. Reasons for Christian hope in ministry abound for those intimately connected to Christ Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
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