
The NCCL Blog

Insights + research
to inform & inspire
your Catholic ministry.

Cultivating a Life of Ministry and Service Jun 25, 2024
A Personal Reflection from NCCL's Executive Director, John Roberto

In May I was asked to offer a short reflection at a graduate school of ministry commencement. I shared eight beliefs about...

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How Will You Innovate? Jun 12, 2024

In the recent “Planning for Parish Catechesis” blog series you will find six systemic approaches that can stimulate your thinking about planning new initiatives in 2024-25 and beyond...

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New Systemic Approaches - Continued May 28, 2024

Planning for Parish Catechesis in 2024-2025
Part Three, Article 2/2

Part Three in the “Planning for Parish Catechesis” series proposes six systemic approaches that can...

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New Systemic Approaches May 20, 2024

Planning for Parish Catechesis in 2024-2025
Part Three, Article 1/2

Part Three in the “Planning for Parish Catechesis” series proposes six systemic approaches that can stimulate...

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Thinking Systemically May 13, 2024

Planning for Parish Catechesis in 2024-2025
Part Two

Thinking systemically involves looking at things as interconnected systems rather than isolated parts. It's about understanding how various...

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It's Time to Evaluate May 07, 2024

Planning for Parish Catechesis in 2024-2025
Part One

As the 2023-24 program year comes to a close, your thoughts (but maybe not your energy just yet) turn toward planning for the 2024-25 program...

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Build a Front Porch Apr 30, 2024

Where have all the people gone?
Why aren’t they participating like they used to do?
Why is it so hard to involve people in regular participation at Sunday Mass, parish events, catechetical...

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Pathways to an Intentionally Intergenerational Parish Community - Part Three Apr 15, 2024

Learning Models

Intergenerational learning provides a way to educate the whole community, bringing all ages and generations together to learn with and from each other, build community, share faith,...

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Pathways to an Intentionally Intergenerational Parish Community - Part Two Apr 08, 2024

3 Strategies

Part Two of the “Pathways to an Intentionally Intergenerational Parish Community” series focuses on a variety of strategies that your church can use to build an...

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Pathways to an Intentionally Intergenerational Parish Community - Part One Apr 03, 2024

In a time where people long for connection, community, and belonging and where loneliness and isolation is so widespread, parish communities can become welcome environments for acceptance and...

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Building Capacity for Faith Formation Mar 20, 2024

ca·pac·i·ty “the ability of a person or organization to do something" (Cambridge Dictionary); “the ability to understand or to do something, such...

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Families at the Center of Faith Formation Mar 13, 2024

Over the past two decades we have been blessed with some of the best research ever done on the role of parents and the family in forming the faith of children and young people. The research...

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A Renewed Commitment to Accompany Catechetical Leaders Mar 04, 2024

The past 20 months have been a time of renewal for the National Community of Catechetical Leaders, We have been guided by our mission to promote the ministries of evangelization and catechesis in...

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