Sacred Strength & Inspiration
Sep 06, 2024
NCCL's Week of Prayer for Catechists - Reflection 3
When we think of the catechetical responsibility: to share the Catholic Story; to be a witness of God’s love, compassion and faithfulness; and to connect our rich Story to the everyday lives of the children/youth/adults, we might question: how can I ever do that?
The reality is this is not our work; it is God’s work. If – or when – we think we can’t do it, we are taking on all the responsibility. We’re forgetting that God will give us the strength and guidance. God says to us, “You are the one I need. You are the one who will make a difference. I know you and I have chosen you. I will always be with you with gifts and support – more than you can imagine.”
There’s a saying that challenges and comforts us: “God doesn’t call the qualified; God qualifies the called.”
Place post-it notes on your mirror, in your car, in your catechist’s manual with Scriptural messages such as: “I can do all things in God who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13);” or “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).”
Sister Janet Schaeffler, OP
Member, NCCL Board of Directors
Learn more about Janet and her publications at