NCCL Mission


NCCL has conducted a national Family & Intergenerational Faith Formation Survey to identify how Catholic parishes are implementing family faith formation and intergenerational (all ages together) faith formation. Below is a synopsis of our key findings and a link to view the results report. 

Additionally, you'll find the documented profiles of parish family faith formation models.

We invite you to download PDFs of the articles and share them with your leaders and colleagues.


NCCL has conducted a national Family & Intergenerational Faith Formation Survey to identify how Catholic parishes are implementing family faith formation and intergenerational (all ages together) faith formation. Below is a synopsis of our key findings and a link to view the results report. 

Additionally, you'll find the documented profiles of parish family faith formation models.

We invite you to download the article PDFs and share it with your leaders and colleagues.

​Catholic Parish
Family Faith Formation Profiles

Prepared by Paulette Chapman and Joan Weber

The “Profiles” report presents the parish profiles organized into the following categories:

  1. Family Catechesis as the Primary Model for Parish Catechesis (Usually designed for families with children through middle school young people; and offered monthly,  twice monthly, or weekly)
  2. Family Catechesis within an Intergenerational Model of Catechesis
  3. Family Catechesis Integrated within Children’s Catechesis, including Sacramental Preparation
  4. Seasonal Family Catechesis Gatherings 
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​2023 Family & Intergenerational
Faith Formation Survey Report

Compiling feedback from a total of 303 Catholic parishes, almost 500 individual contributors.

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Key findings:

  1. Family Faith Formation Practices

    The first question of the survey asked parishes to rate eight practices in family faith formation. The top three responses include 1) providing families with resources, 2) whole family experiences at church, and 3) teaching and supporting parents.

    The second question asked about the type of family programming their parish offers. The top three responses were 1) family sacramental preparation programs, 2) family programs at church, and 3) at-home family activities. 
  2. Intergenerational Faith Formation Practices

    The survey asked parishes to rate nine practices in intergenerational faith formation. The top two responses (Sunday Mass) describe settings that are more multi-generational (multiple generations gathered together) than intergenerational. When we speak of intergenerational we mean an intentional approach or strategy to engage people with other generations: building relationships, learning together, sharing stories, praying with each other, serving together, and more. Sunday Mass has the potential for becoming much more intentionally intergenerational when the generations have the opportunity to interact in meaningful ways. The responses to the next top responses focused on building intergenerational relationships and doing activities together – practices that are more intentionally intergenerational.

    The second question asked about the type of intergenerational programming their parish offers. The top responses were seasonal or occasional intergenerational programs, followed by intergenerational service projects, and monthly intergenerational learning.  
  1.  Challenges in Offering Family or Intergenerational Faith Formation

    The final question asked about the challenges leaders faced in offering family or intergenerational faith formation. Nineteen responses surfaced repeatedly in the 486 individual responses to the question. Among the most mentioned challenges were the following: 
    • family participation at Sunday Mass and parish life
    • family participation in family or intergenerational programming
    • family schedules, busy lives, lots of activities
    • getting families to make this a priority, to commit the time, to see the benefits 
    • availability of volunteers, and dedicated leaders committed to family and intergenerational faith formation 
    • support of the pastor, and educating the pastor and church leadership about the importance and benefits of family and intergenerational faith formation
    • changing the paradigm from child-centered to family-centered faith formation

This is the first report of the survey findings. The second phase of the research will include reports on the parishes that are offering family and/or intergenerational faith formation programming.  

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