NCCL Mission


Reports, articles, and videos to inform your ministry.


Reports, articles, and videos to inform your ministry.


Practices for Forming Faith with Families and Parents

Part of NCCL's Insights & Practices from Research & Theory Series

This report explores what research tell us about the most important contributors to effective faith transmission in the family, and the activities, tasks, and behaviors that bolster faith transmission. Flowing from the research, the report presents practical strategies your church can use to form the faith of parents and the whole family.

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Family and Intergenerational
Faith Formation Survey

Prepared by the NCCL Research Team

Compiling feedback from a total of 303 Catholic parishes, almost 500 individual contributors, this report's key findings identify how Catholic parishes are implementing family faith formation and intergenerational (all ages together) faith formation.

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Catholic Parish
Family Faith Formation Profiles

Prepared by Paulette Chapman and Joan Weber

Phase Two of the Family and Intergenerational Faith Formation Survey above, this document offers in-depth reporting on the curriculum, resources, and timing implemented by individual parishes running faith formation programs across the nation.

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Catechesis with Families

Presented by: The NCCL Family Research Team

This series includes the sessions "Practices and Models of Family Catechesis" and "Implementing Family Catechesis" which are informed by research conducted for NCCL's Parish Family Profiles and Insights & Practices Report (links below).

View Recordings & Related Reports


What's Working in
Parent & Family Faith Formation

With NCCL Leaders: Dr. Kathie Amidei, Patrice Spirou, Catherine LaVecchia, & Denise Utter 

In this 3-session series, you'll hear insights on the challenges and new opportunities related to: Family Faith Formation at Church, Family Faith Formation at Home, and Parent Faith Formation. Family program files and handouts are available for download.

Watch Sessions & Access Files


Caring for our Common Home

Presenter: Joe Meyer, Laudato Si' Project + Catholic Ecology Center

Learn all about the new Laudato Si 2.0 released by Pope Francis on October 4, 2023, and how the themes further his 2015 call in the encyclical Laudato Si; On Care for Our Common Home. Explore an ever deepening understanding of our universal call to care for creation. See how to apply these messages to your everyday life and engage your parish/schools.

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Seeking Catechetical Resources for other Groups?

Click the category name to find reports, articles, and conference videos about forming faith... 

with Families & Parents Intergenerationally with Adults
with Children with Adolescents with Young Adults

Click the category name to find reports, articles, and conference videos about forming faith... 

with Families & Parents
with Children
with Adolescents
with Young Adults
with Adults

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